JBHMHS has many years of experience in the implementation of turn-key mechanical handling systems, from Automotive assembly systems including floor conveyors and overhead monorail systems and P&F conveyors, though to heavy duty steel apron Clinker conveyor upgrades within the UK Cement Industry We also have experience in deployment of heavy duty systems for Agricultural tractor manufacture, both using Skillet technology and heavy duty Modular Belt technology.

Via our relationships with Original Equipment Manufacturers of large scale assembly systems, who are Tier 1 suppliers to the UK and German Automotive Industries, we have access to a vast technical knowledgebase and manufacturing capability, and thus are able to supply a wide range of solutions to suit a particular clients needs.


Below are some examples of turn-key assembly/production solutions that we have prior experience of implementing via turn-key M&E installations for clients:-

Electric Overhead Monorail System (Vauxhall Motors UK)

Light Duty Modular Belt Conveyor (Toyota UK)

Heavy Duty Twin-Strand Modular Belt System (JCB UK)

Heavy Duty Skillet Conveyor (Caterpillar USA)

Heavy Duty Pallet System for Scenery Storage (ROH London)

Elevator Conveyor Upgrade (Hanson UK)